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7 Ways To Celebrate Graduating May 22, 2017

Posted by Abingdon in General Ramblings.
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Take A Road Trip With Your Friends – You’ve been bogged down by reports, homework, and finals for months. Now it’s time to celebrate your hard-earned freedom. Grab the friends that were on the front lines with you studying night after sleepless night to cram and get through finals. Jump into the car, pack your favorite bathing suit, and run from your stresses. Get on the road and get gone! Spending hours driving can be incredibly cathartic…. especially after hours cramming. Suggestion: The Rocky Mountains have tons of beautiful national parks, hit up a drive through Utah, Arizona and Nevada.

road trio

Treat Yourself To A Graduation Gift – You’re undoubtedly about to embark on a new journey in a new job. Getting into a new position that means keeping track of your life and most importantly your time. That’s why an Abingdon watch is the ideal gift to yourself. With an array of styles there is something that’s sure to match your personal sense of style. Suggestion: Any of our watches. http://www.theabingdonco.com

Watch Gift

Try A New Extreme Sport – You’ve pushed yourself during the entirety of your educational journey. Now that you know you can accomplish anything you set your mind to it’s time to challenge yourself in new ways — and not just by trying to find a job! We mean in ways that get your heart pumping and your mind racing: extreme sports. Pushing yourself to face fears and accomplish new heights (literally) is a great motivator and self-esteem booster. By showing yourself what you’re capable of you’re more likely to not be intimidated in the face of set backs. Suggestions: Sky Diving or Scuba Diving.

sky diving

Catch Some R&R At A New Resort – You deserve some luxury. It’s been weeks of Ramen Noodle and Kool Aid. Dark circles under the eyes and minor hours of sleep. It’s about time for you to sip a tropical drink by the pool all day and do whatever you want — interruption free. Some resorts are all about the part life where as others are oriented around finding a hideout. No matter which one matches your style there will be one that can accommodate you. Whether you want to dance the night away in celebration or sleep for hours on end there are loads of resort options. Suggestions: Cabo San Lucas, Mexico or Golden Buddha, Thailand.


Go On A Trek – Hike to the peek of your success, literally. It’s an obvious but on point metaphor for the journey you just completed. Take a hike up a beautiful mountain to show off what you’ve accomplished in more than one way. There are tons of beautiful mountains that are worth the view. Choose a hike that’s perfect for your skill level. Some are pros and others are just beginners, here are a few we like for any athletic ability. Suggestions: Mount Katahdin, Maine and Whiteface Mountain, New York.


Fitness Retreat – Now that you’ve got your educational sh*t together move onto something that’s probably had to take a huge back seat. Your health regimen! Now is the time to get your body in the shape you’ve always wanted it to be in. Yes, you’ll have a job but it will give you more time to work out than school did. Go to a fitness festival abroad to spike your motivation. Suggestion: Be Fit, London.

Fitness Retreat

A Party With Friends – A classic. Not the most fancy but can turn out to foster some of your favorite memories. Grab a couple mixers, a great playlist, and invite your friends over to your place for a party to celebrate your new found freedom.



5 Gift Ideas For Mom May 11, 2017

Posted by Abingdon in General Ramblings.
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Mother’s Day shopping can be stressful. Let us make it easier for you:

Double Chain Necklace: What if mom isn’t a watch girl? No problem! We have the perfect accessory for her. Dainty necklaces are a great way to show mom you care, when they say you can’t go wrong with jewelry that’s totally true. Our double chain piece is simple enough to go with any outfit but also has unique design elements that you won’t find anywhere else except The Abingdon Co. Each delicate piece is designed and made in New York. Adding an extra flare of exclusivity to this Mother’s Day gift idea.

Elise In Sapphire: Mother one of those girls that marches to the beat of her own drummer? That some may call her own unique kind of special? Someone that’s off the wall in the most endearing of ways? Then we have a watch that will blend right in with her stand-out style. Elise in Sapphire. A statement watch – Elise in Sapphire Blue is a Tri-Time Zone watch with a rich blue plating over softened stainless steel.

Jackie In Sunset Pink: If your mother is a girly girl that loves bling our Jackie is an ideal Mother’s Day gift choice. Jackie in Sunset Pink sports an elegant chronograph timer with a Sunset Pink genuine Mother-of-Pearl face. 64 twinkling cubic zirconia rivets (real diamonds also available) on a classic stainless steel case with rotating bezel. Some sparkle and shine on the wrist is sure to help your mom stand out.


Marina In Pacific Purple: Is your mom an adventurer? Then she’ll love a watch that can go anywhere she goes… even if it’s 660ft under the sea. Our Marina can take some wear and tear. Plus, it comes in a variety of colors to match any woman’s personality and unique style. Purple, blue, red and more. Your mom is tough and so is this watch… well, so are all of our watches but you get the point!


CaptureKatherine In Frequent Flyer: Something feminine and stylish but bold. If this sounds like your mother then our Katherine in Frequent Flyer is the ideal watch choice for her. Features include patent-pending ALPHABezel to assist in anything you can use a letter for (One of our girlfriends said she is going to use it to remember the name of people she meets for the first time – clever!). If you have a mother that’s bold she deserves something that can keep time with her daring personality and this is the ideal watch for that task.